
Simmons Graduate Student Travel Fund for Spring

The Simmons University Graduate Student Travel Award competition provides financial support to graduate students who are attending and presenting research at academic or professional conferences. Students must be recommended by their faculty advisors/departments to receive such awards. Preference will be given to those who are making a presentation. Students must follow the guidance of a faculty advisor. These grants are competitive proposals will be reviewed by the Fund for Research Committee.

In cases where the applicant will not be presenting, the student statement and faculty letter of recommendation should address the importance of attendance for the student’s professional development. Preference is given to students who have not previously received a Graduate Student Travel Grant.

This is the support for student-initiated scholarly research and creative endeavors. Students from any disciplines can apply for grants to support their independent research projects. Due to the competitive nature of the award, the winner will be made based on the quality of the proposed work.



Selection Criteria: