
You Need money for travel? Follow These 5 Steps to Win a Travel Grant

Travel grants are a great way to get some additional funding for travel. Especially for students and people early in their careers, they are a great way to get out to see the world and gain valuable experiences at the same time. But developing a travel grant application is not always easy.

Here are a couple of things you have to keep in mind when you want to apply for a travel grant.

Do Research

The first step to developing a travel grant application is research. You need to know where you want to go, why you want to go and for what purpose you want to go to be able to find good travel grant opportunities. Once you have answered all these questions, you need to find a good match. If you plan to attend a conference in the US, it does not make sense to apply for a program that funds travel to Europe. If you want to attend a workshop, only look for programs that offer to fund for this kind of event. Research is key to find the best fits for your travel grant application.

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Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is crucial when you want to apply for a travel grant. Many times, the deadlines for application are months before the actual event. Keeping good track of deadlines will make it easier for you to follow through with applications. Furthermore, many times you need to have fulfilled specific requirements before you can apply, so planning is key. Sometimes you need to be accepted for a conference before you can send in your application, sometimes you need to have a visa or a passport, sometimes you need letters of recommendation. Keep all these things in mind and plan ahead in the long term – this will save you a lot of headaches later.

Have All the Documents at Hand

You will need accompanying documents to apply for a travel grant. If you start thinking about them from the beginning, you will not realize in the last minute that you are missing something. If you need a letter of recommendation from your teachers, professors or employers, make sure they are available at that time or get them in advance. Are all your certificates in order and translated in the necessary language? Do you have the required signup documents for the event? Keep all these things in mind throughout the process to avoid a bitter surprise at the time of submission.

Write a Killing Application Letter

Your application letter is the thing that will decide if you get the grant or not. Make a waterproof case for why you should be supported to go to this event and why it will help your career substantially. Have someone proofread your letter for you – typos and formatting mistakes should be avoided at all costs. Also make sure that your letter is structured well, so the reviewers can grasp your important points in a heartbeat.

Know What You Applied For

Make sure you understand exactly what kind of grant you apply for before you hit the send button. Many times, travel grants are given on the base of reimbursements. That means you have to front the cost of travel – are you able to do that? If not, maybe someone at your institution can help you. Make sure though that you can comply with the grant’s guidelines.

Often, a grant covers a maximum amount – and if your travel ends up being more expensive due to unexpected changes, you would have to cover for it. Are you able to do so? If not, you have to put a security net in place that would save you from extra cost. If your travels are more expensive than what you applied for, travel grants almost never get extended over the amount originally allotted.

Best of luck!