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Office of Research Travel Award

The Office of Research Travel Award offers grants to undergraduate students accepted to present research or creative work. These awards promote student involvement in their disciplines by partially funding costs associated with professional presentations at virtual, regional, national, and international conferences. Student poster and oral presentations, performances, and exhibits in all disciplines are eligible for funding.


All expenses (other than per diems and mileage) require an itemized receipt to be eligible for reimbursement. Expenses accrued above the combined departmental and Office of Research award limit will not be reimbursed. If the full award is not used for approved and documented expenses, the remaining combined award will be returned 1:1 to the Office of Research and the department.

Awarded students and their departments are required to submit all documentation for reimbursement within 60 days of the conference start date to receive a reimbursement from the Office of Research.

Event Eligibility

The Office of Research Travel Award has designated this fund to support students in the presentation of their research or creative inquiry at a professional event. In many disciplines, this takes place as a poster or oral presentation at a professional conference; in the arts, this can be a performance or exhibit. The event that you intend to present at will be verified by the department matching your funds as legitimate before your application is considered for this award.

Students must be confirmed as presenters (or performers/exhibitors) at the professional event and must provide proof of acceptance in their application. Typically, students are notified by email that they have been accepted to present or perform and such an email would qualify as proof of acceptance. Similarly, being listed in a conference program would be acceptable as proof of acceptance to present.

Students that travel to a conference as an attendee will not be considered for this award but may be able to secure departmental or college funds to do so. If you would like to attend a conference but will not present, please discuss this with your mentor or department.

Student Eligibility

Students are eligible if they meet the following requirements:

  • They are a current, USU-registered student, on the Logan campus, in any distance education location, or online.
    • Distance education and online students may apply for funding to travel to the USU Logan Campus for conferences and events if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  • They are undergraduate students and have not yet graduated at the time of the application submission.
    • If a graduating senior apply before graduation to attend a summer event, they are eligible at the discretion of the department agreeing to match funding.
    • Students enrolled in 2-year or certificate programs at an undergraduate level are eligible.

Only one travel award per presentation will be funded. For groups where multiple undergraduates are co-authors, they may work with their department to share travel funding. Otherwise, only the first student that applies will be eligible for the UR Travel Award. This does not affect students presenting, performing, or exhibiting different works at the same conference.

Students may only receive this award once per fiscal year (running July 1 to June 30) and are limited to two travel awards throughout their undergraduate degree. Undergraduate Travel Awards do not affect eligibility for students to apply for the School of Graduate Studies Travel Award if they remain at USU for graduate programs.

7 Tips for Traveling


Application Process

  • To apply,For Office of Research Travel Award students are required to complete a web-based form (Click “Apply Now”). The form requires the following information:
    • Student information: Student Name, A#, Department
    • Conference information: The conference title, location, dates, and conference webpage
    • Presentation information:
      • All authors
      • The title of the presentation
      • Presentation format (poster/oral presentation/performance)
    • Matching Funds: Source of matching funds
    • Proof of conference acceptance: Students must be listed in the conference program and must provide proof of acceptance at the time of application. Typically, students are notified by email that they have been accepted to present or perform and such an email would qualify as proof of acceptance. Similarly, being listed in a conference program would be acceptable as proof of acceptance to present. This can be uploaded as a PDF, or submitted as a link to the conference program.

    Upon submission, students will receive an automated email confirmation that their application has been received.

    From there, the application will go to the department providing matching funds. They will verify the conference or event’s legitimacy and the student’s status as a presenter and approve or deny the request to fund the travel. If rejected, the student may reapply with a different matching source; if accepted by the department, the student will then be considered by the Office of Research for funding.

    When the department confirms matching funding and approval of the student, Office of Research funds is allocated on a first-come basis until the funds for the month of travel are exhausted.
    All applicants will receive an email to inform them if their application is accepted for funding or rejected by the department or the Office of Research.

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For more information : UtahState University
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